The motor factory ESTLANDER
MOTORS Ltd, Roskilde, Denmark.
Though we are among the young-
est - we are probably the most
modern production base for auto-
cycles and autocycle motors in
northern Europe - we have al-
ready made our mark not only on
the Danish, but even on the inter-
national market.
We are introducing ourselves and
our products to you because we,
thanks to ancient and proud tradi-
tions of craftmanship -are able
to show you superb quality in
eminent workmanship.
These small power cycles have
been specially constructed to meet
your needs - analyzed by us in
your area.
Ever since the founding of our
firm we have made a point of in-
vesting appreciable amounts in the
rationalization of our production,
so that we are at all times able
deliver our models from stock at
very low prices.